Isometric Training - Fact Or Muscle Building Hoax? Part 2
Soviet Isometric Training
Soviet literature concludes "…there is not a statistically significant difference between the maximum strength, as measured in a static regime, and the maximum weight that can be lifted in the same movement." (1) According to the A.S. Medvedyev 1986. report Isometric training plays a big role in the soviet strength training programs. Top Bulgarian strength training coaches have incorporated isometrics to their training regimen which plays a big part on their weight lifting success in the Athens Olympics in Greece.
Benefits of Isometric Training In Everyday Life
I know that's all good you're saying "but I'm not an astronaut, I don't have an injury and I'm not a soviet powerlifter, how can Isometric training help me?"
I'm Glad You Asked...
Some of the General Benefits are as follows;
* Increased Lean Muscle Mass – Regular training stimulates the growth of new lean muscle tissue. This is vital, not only for looking good, but staying healthy as it burns fat, strengthen your bones and keeps you young.
* Increased Metabolism – The more lean tissue you have the faster you burn calories and the faster your metabolism becomes. Lean Muscle tissue is metabolically active – it requires more calories to sustain it than fat.
* Increased Fat Loss – This is tied into the faster metabolism. Lean Muscle tissue requires 75 kcals to sustain it, whereas fat only requires three. This means that if you only add 5lbs of muscle you can burn an additional 20-25 lbs of fat a year doing nothing!
* Decreased Risk of Osteoporosis – Regular training increases the density and hardness of the bones and thus strengthening you against osteoporosis.
* Lowered Bad Cholesterol – Exercie produces more HDL (good cholesterol while reducing the bad LDL cholesterol. This reduces among other things your chance of heart disease.
The Benefits of Isometrics provide all of those while also providing:
Increased strength faster than any other form of training – this is because it works the muscles more intensity and in a shorter space of time over conventional methods. In fact you can finish a workout in as little as 7 minutes.
Increased Neurological Strength – Isometric Training teaches you body to recruit more muscle fibre for each movement, thus your increased strength comes not just form more muscle, but form more efficient muscle.
Can be done anywhere – it requires no special equipment or a large commitment of time. You can do Isometric Training in your car while stuck in traffic, in the shower, even while reading this website.
Safer than conventional training – Because it doesn’t involve movement or weights, so they are far safer than any other form of exercise and often used in rehabilitation.
Dramatically improve conventional training – are you getting stuck in a lift or would like to lift more? Isometric training has been proven to increase the strength in lifts such as the bench press by as much as 40% and in the Nautilus North Study with an average increase of over 84%. These are just some of the many benefits that Isometric training can offer you.
But, wait there's more...
What if I told you that there was an Isometric training protocol that would increase the results by over 300% from normal Isometric Training?
In a future article I will reveal this almost "magically" muscle building secret.
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